
Jul 2019
Saturday 13July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 22:00 [5] Kelly God, Anne Le Bozec / Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Brahms, Liszt, Strauss

10 p.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [5]

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Brahms, Liszt, Strauss : Melodies et lieder
Kelly God, soprano / Anne Le Bozec, pianist

Sunday 14July Auditorium de l’Abbaye 10:30 My first concert

10.30 a.m. and 12 p.m / AUDITORIUM

“My first concert”

Sunday 14July Auditorium de l’Abbaye 12:00 My first concert

10.30 a.m. and 12 p.m / AUDITORIUM

“My first concert”

Sunday 14July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 13:30 [6] Masques Ensemble, Olivier Fortin / J.S Bach

1.30 p.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [6]

J.S. Bach : Overture n° 1 in C major BWV 1066, Overture n° 3 in D major BWV 1068, Suite n° 2 in A minor (based on  suite in B minor BWV 1067)
Emmanuel Laporte, oboe soloist
Masques Ensemble,  Olivier Fortin, conductor

Sunday 14July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 19:30 [7] Het Collectief, Reinbert de Leeuw / Mahler

7.30 p.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [7]

Mahler : Das Lied von der Erde (Schönberg/Riehn version)
Yves Saelens, tenor / Lucile Richardot, mezzo
Het Collectief, Reinbert de Leeuw conductor

Monday 15July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 12:30 [8] Nevermind / Couperin, Jacquet De La Guerre, Quentin, Hersant

12.30 a.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [8]

Couperin: Les Nations (extracts) / Jacquet De La Guerre : Sonata in G minor / Quentin :  Sonata IV in four parts /
Hersant :  Creation (quartet for flute, violin, viol and harpsichord)

Monday 15July Abbaye Royale de Saint-Jean-d’Angély 16:30 [9] Quatuor Germantes / Haydn, Kraus, Mozart

Haydn, Kraus, Mozart
Guermantes Quartet

Monday 15July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 19:30 [10] Les Arts Florissants, Paul Agnew / Vivaldi, Galuppi, Händel

7.30 p.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [10]
Vivaldi : Kyrie RV.587, Credo RV.591
Galuppi : Dixit Dominus / Händel : Dixit Dominus HWV 232
Les Arts Florissants / Paul Agnew, conductor

Concert sur liste d’attente.

Monday 15July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 22:00 [11] Het Collectief / Debussy, Stravinski, Schoenberg

10 p.m. / ABBEY CHURCH [11]
Debussy (arrangement by T. Mulleman) “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” / Stravinski : “The Soldier’s Tale” Suite / Schoenberg (arrangement by A. Webern) : Kammersymphonie n° 1, opus 9
Het Collectief

Tuesday 16July Abbatiale – Abbaye aux Dames 12:30 [12] Vox Luminis, Lionel Meunier / Bach

12.30 pm / ABBEY CHURCH [12]
Bach : Motets
Vox Luminis, direction Lionel Meunier

Concert sur liste d’attente.